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About KnotFree Living

KnotFree Living LLC was birthed as a result of societal mis-messaging, church/religion rhetoric, and generational/familial emotional invalidation.  During therapeutic sessions there was a common thread of challenges and obstacles that resonated from likely sources and seemingly like-minded messages - “pray about it”, “that’s the way it's been for generations” and “it is what it is”.  KnotFree Living is a detangling mechanism geared towards untying the knots that can’t be loosed through that messaging.  People are struggling and confused; not just about how and why feelings of unhappiness and discontent are present, but the origin of these sentiments.  Knowing everyone else is tied up in knots, doesn’t keep one from feeling the impacts of those restraints.  KnotFree Living LLC strives to inform, inspire, equip and untie those seeking liberation and offer the opportunity to live life knot free.

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Image by Vonecia Carswell

Vision Statement

Our vision is a world where every human being has the option to live at their highest possible potential through self-introspection, acceptance of their human capabilities and discernment for their purpose.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to equip others with tools to untie the knots that bind the human spirit from meaningful impact and positive lifelong imprints. We provide opportunities to learn and know oneself intricately - so that every individual can trust their instincts, operate in conscious mindfulness, loose the knots of other’s expectations, and live with clarity and freedom.

Image by Brook Anderson
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